Koruru Cotterpin

A foul cloud of noxious smoke follows this lalafell everywhere she goes, trailing from a cheap cigar clamped in her teeth. Her manner is gruff. Her accent is weird. She stomps about as if she's on a mission, eyeing most every adventurer with avarice. From her belt hangs the tattered remnants of a free company banner; shreds of black fabric with part of a grinning skull.

RP Hooks

• You may smell how foul the cigar is and be irritated by the smoke (sorry).

• If you know her surname, you may have heard about a nameless mercenary company known for getting the dirtiest of jobs done for the city-state alliance. They were led by a lalafell couple who operated under the nom de plume Cotterpin.

• She has all kinds of gadgets and geegaws hanging from her belt and sticking out of pouches. Make one up and ask about it.

• She plays high-stakes poker until she's blackout drunk, feel free to make up a story; you're missing something, there were bizarre events that happened, we're in trouble with the authorities.


I am a fan of slice-of-life RP and just roll around IC day-to-day. I am IC 100% of the time, tags-be-darned (okay, I just forget). I am largely AFK during business hours (9-5 CST).

Koru is gruff and prickly with a soft center of loyalty and the most dubious kind of compassion. Nothing she says or does is OOC unless otherwise indicated.

Your feelings are more important than my RP (seriously); please let me know if she/I does something you don't like. Empathy and compassion are my priority over imaginary rights.

I do not care for psychic RP or purple prose, but I don't mind if you do para if you don't mind that I don't.